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  MP3: Eric Cartman-Pokerface
Interpret: Eric Cartman
Skladba: Pokerface
Album: toomanysebastians.blogspot.com
Rok: 2009
Žánr: -

Délka skladby: 00:04:53
Velikost souboru: 4.58 Mb
Počet stažení: 3
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Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
  Youtube video na: Eric Cartman-Pokerface
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  Text skladby: Eric Cartman-Pokerface
Pokerface lyrics

ma ma ma ma, i wanna do it like they do it in texas place, a little gambillin o yoo yoo. russian ruleted is the same with out a gun, but baybe when its love it isnt rofe it isant fun, but o o wo o wo o wowo. i get him haard show him what i got.o o wo wo o wo wo i get him haard show him what i got. kerima kerima no we cant breave my pokerface shes got to love nobody kerima kerima no he cant breave my pokerface shes got to love nobody. pa pa pa poker face pa pa poker face ma ma ma ma pa pa pa poker face ma ma ma ma. stan: guys i cant take any more of this. cartman:what are you talking about this song is sweet.stan:no im talking about the japanesse killing dolphans and whales.kyle:dude they bin doing that for a long time.stan:so.kyle:i mean we cant tell a holde country what to do its just the way they are.stan:it seams every one says thats just the way they are its just the way it is.every one is so mad but there just to busy to do something.cartman:im not to busy stan. stan:your not?.cartman:no i just dont care, at all. kenny:(mummbles). stan:kenny? you dont care about dolphans and whales being slaghterd.cartman:stan!me and kenny dont give to shit about ass whales! cartman sings:i wanna role with him a hot pare we will be.i dont give a crap about whales so go and hug a tree!kerima kerima no he cant breave my pokerface shes goota love nobody kerima kerima no he cant breave my pokerface shes got to love no bodd.pa pa pa pokerface pa pa pokerface ma ma ma ma. pa pa pa poker face pa pa poker face ma ma ma ma.

these lyrics are submitted by i am a big cartman fan

Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
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