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  MP3: Background-Background
Interpret: Background
Skladba: Background
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Délka skladby: 00:01:51
Velikost souboru: 0.33 Mb
Počet stažení: 0
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Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
  Youtube video na: Background-Background
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Happy Tree Friends
  Text skladby: Background-Background
i fight to keep afloat i go under none the less
i fight for a breath of air search but it's not there
in this sea of people i find i am not an equal
i'm not satisfied should my dreams be denied
catch me at a good time see a man with a purpose
otherwise you'll find me with the rest blending into the background
i want to kick myself but i'm busy resting
i wonder why i complain when i'm equally to blame
hardcore is not a background beat for you to move your dancing feet
its feeling living breathing its the life for those who love living its outrage
energy compassion not hate not violence or fashion

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Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
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