Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Todd Boekelheide  one--studying  One 
 2. The Five Minute Linguist  Should we be studying Russian?  Talking About Talk 
 3. DynEd International  NDE Week 6B: What Are You Studying?  New Dynamic English 
 4. English Conversations  Studying in India  English Conversations 
 5. Ani Difranco  Studying Stones     
 6. Bernadette Mayer  from Studying Hunger  The World Record / St. Mark's Poetry Project 1969-1980 
 7. Bernadette Mayer  from Studying Hunger  The World Record / St. Mark's Poetry Project 1969-1980 
 8. Ani DiFranco  Studying Stones  Knuckle Down   
 9. Ani DiFranco  Studying Stones  Knuckle Down   
 10. Bernadette Mayer  excerpt from Studying Hunger  Dial-A-Poem Poets: Disconnected 
 11. Narayan Liebenson Grady  1998-03/15 Studying The Self And Forgetting The Self  Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center http://www.dharma.org 
 12. Bernadette Mayer  excerpt from Studying Hunger  Dial-A-Poem Poets: Disconnected 
 13. Bernadette Mayer  from STUDYING HUNGER (Blondie), 12/22/71, 5:30.  The World Record - Readings at the St. Mark's Poetry Project 1969-80 
 14. Bernadette Mayer  from STUDYING HUNGER (Blondie), 12/22/71, 5:30.  The World Record - Readings at the St. Mark's Poetry Project 1969-80 
 15. Robert Littman  Studying mummies to learn about life expectancy & disease  HPR Points of Contact 
 16. Robert Littman  Studying mummies to learn about life expectancy & disease  HPR Points of Contact 
 17. Bloomberg News: Financial Markets, World Economies, Investing and Business  Historian Gordon Wood Talks About the Purpose of Studying the Past  Lewis Lapham: The World in Time 
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