Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 121. Columbia Symphony Orchestra  Carmen. Selections  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 15060 
 122. Lydia Davis  Selections from The End of the Story  Reading April 12, 1995, UB 80 
 123. George R.R. Martin  Selections from Dreamsongs 3   
 124. American Symphony Orchestra (West Orange, N.J)  Algeria. Selections; arr.  Edison Amberol: 65 
 125. National Military Band (London, England)  Mignon. Selections; arr.  Edison Amberol: 640 
 127. Columbia Symphony Orchestra  Selections from Erminie  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 32337 
 128. George Wilton Ballard  The Y.M.C.A. [Yip, yip, Yaphank. Selections]  Edison Blue Amberol: 3636 
 129. Ro Spit (mixed by DJ Graffiti  Selections from The Ro Spit P  The Ro Spit Project Minimix 
 130. Band of the Grenadier Guards  Patience. Selections; arr.  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 12946 
 131. Edison Concert Band  Rigoletto. Selections; arr.  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 84 
 132. Edison Concert Band  Raymond. Selections; arr.  Edison Blue Amberol: 1919 
 133. Conrad's Orchestra  Cho-cho-san [Madama Butterfly. Selections; arr.]  Edison Blue Amberol: 4356 
 134. Victor Herbert  Naughty Marietta. Selections  Edison Amberol: 729 
 135. Victor Herbert  Mlle. Modiste. Selections  Edison Amberol: 195 
 136. Gilmore's Band  Selections from Peggy from Paris  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 32250 
 137. Andrew Lloyd Webber/arr. Larry Moore  Selections from Phantom of the Opera  04490475 
 138. Edison Light Opera Company  Favorite airs [Rob Roy. Selections]  Edison Blue Amberol: 2132 
 139. Rob Halpern  Selections from Music for Porn  Rob Halpern, Segue Series, Bowey Poetry Club; March 3, 2007 
 140. Grossmont High School Concert Band  Porgy and Bess Selections   
 141. Rob Halpern  Selections from Music for Porn  Rob Halpern, Segue Series, Bowey Poetry Club; March 3, 2007 
 142. Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick/arr. Herbert Baumel  Selections from Fiddler on the Roof  04626369 
 143. Harvey Hindermyer and Charlotte Kirwan  Sympathy [Firefly. Selections]  Edison Blue Amberol: 1717 
 144. Charles Gilibert  Roméo et Juliette. Selections  Cylindres Edison Moulés Sur Or: 17870 
 145. Rob Halpern  Selections from Music for Porn  Rob Halpern, Segue Series, Bowey Poetry Club; March 3, 2007 
 146. Metropolitan Mixed Trio  Praise ye [Attila. Selections]  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8503 
 147. Belwin Concert Band 2007-08  Selections Superman Returns  Belwin Concert Band 2007-08 
 148. Henri Albers  Air du père [Louise. Selections]  Cylindres Edison Moulés Sur Or: 17832 
 149. M. Gluck and M. Ragneau  Duo [Reine de Chypre. Selections]  Cylindres Edison Moulés Sur Or: 17907 
 150. M. Gluck  Air des adieux [Otello. Selections]  Cylindres Edison Moulés Sur Or: 17305 
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