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 61. Della Adams, GIS Program Manager, City of Memphis, Tennessee  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – City of Memphis Extends GIS to the Public  ESRI Speaker Series 
 62. William R. Elliott, Ph.D. Cave Biologist  Missouri Department of Conservation, Resource Science Division: Special Achievement in GIS Award  ESRI Speaker Series 
 63. William R. Elliott, Ph.D. Cave Biologist  Missouri Department of Conservation, Resource Science Division: Special Achievement in GIS Award  ESRI Speaker Series 
 64. Lee Hartsfield, Interlocal Coordinator, Tallahassee-Leon County GIS  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Tallahassee-Leon County Interlocal Program Integrates GIS  ESRI Speaker Series 
 65. Lee Hartsfield, Interlocal Coordinator, Tallahassee-Leon County GIS  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Tallahassee-Leon County Interlocal Program Integrates GIS  ESRI Speaker Series 
 66. Bradley Doorn, Technical and Remote Sensing Coordinator  USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Office of Global Analysis: 2007 Special Achievement in GIS Award  ESRI Speaker Series 
 67. Kirk Halford, National Data Sharing Coordinator, Bureau of Land Management, and Eric Ingbar, Director, Gnomon, Inc.  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Bureau of Land Management Uses GIS for Cultural Resources Data Sharing Program  ESRI Speaker Series 
 68. Tim DeSalvo and Kristin Platt, City of Newport News, Department of Public Works  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Newport News Public Works Integrates Asset Management System with Geodatabase  ESRI Speaker Series 
 69. Arnab Bhowmick, Program Manager, Weston Solutions  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Weston Solutions Uses ArcGIS Survey Analyst to Deliver New Cadastral Fabric to City of Encinitas  ESRI Speaker Series 
 70. Uday Kale, Vice President, IT, Reliance Energy Limited  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Reliance Energy Limited Implements ESRI GIS to Leverage Spatial Information Across Diverse IT Network  ESRI Speaker Series 
 71. Uday Kale, Vice President, IT, Reliance Energy Limited  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – Reliance Energy Limited Implements ESRI GIS to Leverage Spatial Information Across Diverse IT Network  ESRI Speaker Series 
 72. Dr. Martien Molenaar, Chancellor, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation Helps Less Developed Countries through GIS Education, Research, and Services  ESRI Speaker Series 
 73. Darren Rozenek, GIS Administrator, Akron Public Utilities Bureau  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – City of Akron, Ohio Public Utilities Bureau Completes Expansive Asset Conversion to Create GIS-Centric Business Workflow  ESRI Speaker Series 
 74. Dr. Bolaji Taiwo, Chief Technical Adviser, United Nations Population Fund  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – United Nations Population Fund Uses ESRI GIS to Complete Afghanistan Population and Housing Census  ESRI Speaker Series 
 75. Dr. Bolaji Taiwo, Chief Technical Adviser, United Nations Population Fund  2008 Special Achievement in GIS Award – United Nations Population Fund Uses ESRI GIS to Complete Afghanistan Population and Housing Census  ESRI Speaker Series 
 76. Aaron Bleyart  Lifetime Achievement Award  Supermasterpiece.com 
 77. Albany-Colonie Chamber of Commerce  Frank Pitts, architecture – Lifetime Achievement Award Winner  Lifetime Achievement Award Winner 
 78. Albany-Colonie Chamber of Commerce  Frank Pitts, architecture – Lifetime Achievement Award Winner  Lifetime Achievement Award Winner 
 79. Chris Calloway  HDH 7 Chris to attend 2008 Grammys for Cab's Lifetime Achievement Award  Cab Calloway - The Heartbeat of Hi De Ho! 
 80. Daniel Oliver  Presentation of the Charles H. Hoeflich Lifetime Achievement Award to Richard A. Ware  The Dinner for Western Civilization 
 81. Marjorie Forster, Peter Murray, and Christopher Phillips  Spurring Innovation Through a Pre and Post-Award Research System  EDUCAUSE 2006 Annual Conference 
 82. In The Bleachers  2007 Post-Thanksgiving Special  http://inthebleachers.net 
 83. In The Bleachers  2007 Post-Thanksgiving Special  http://inthebleachers.net 
 84. Meadow House  Lamp Post Door Special  Epistaxis Time 
 85. Comic Book Goddess Productions  SSDWC Post-Election Special  Geek Pantheon and Your Moment of Kim 
 86. Dave Cusick  Post Modern Rock Show - Christmas Special 2004   
 87. Part Iii  Special Forces post 911 - funding - civilian vs military representation  Radio Interview 1 Adam 
 88. Glen Moffatt  Somewhere In New Zealand Tonight  Troubadours  
 89. Ken Garoo And Wally Bee  IR: New Zealand #2 - The Hijacking  Insomnia Radio: New Zealand 
 90. Charles Darwin  18-2 - Tahiti and New Zealand  The Voyage of the Beagle 
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