Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 61. Albinoni  PMI baroque Organ  Album 
 62. Carter Burwell  Baroque Troubles  The Ladykillers 
 63. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra  Hooked On Baroque  Hooked on Classics 2 
 64. Carter Burwell  Baroque Troubles  The Ladykillers 
 65. Volcano The Bear  Baroque Sensation  Classic Erasmus Fusion 
 66. Broken Social Scene  Baroque Social  To Be You And Me [EP] 
 67. James Hirt  Baroque Celebration 4   
 68. Aristotle Esguerra, David Hughes, Matthew Williams, Terry Zuranski  9. Missa IX  Mass of Fr. Kevin Lieberman, Matamoras, PA, 2009.08.01 
 69. Ad Hoc Singers  Missa  I Maestri delle Cappelle 
 70. Ad Hoc Singers  Missa  I Maestri delle Cappelle 
 71. Magnatune Compilation  American Baroque - Quartet in G  Romantic Dinner Classical Compilation 
 72. Paul Piot / Paul Guiot  Amour, Vacances Et Baroque  Barry 7\'s Connectors 
 73. Philharmonia Baroque  04-8 Symph 1st-Philharmonia Baroque  Beethoven Symphonies No 3 Eroica and No 8 
 74. Philharmonia Baroque  03-Eroica 3rd and 4th-Philharmonia Baroque  Beethoven Symphonies No 3 Eroica and No 8 
 75. Philharmonia Baroque  02-Eroica 2nd-Philharmonia Baroque  Beethoven Symphonies No 3 Eroica and No 8 
 76. Philharmonia Baroque  03 Eroica 3rd and 4th Philharmonia Baroque  Beethoven Symphonies No 3 Eroica and No 8 
 77. Magnatune Compilation  American Baroque - Quartet in G  Romantic Dinner Classical Compilation 
 78. Philharmonia Baroque  01-Eroica 1st-Philharmonia Baroque  Beethoven Symphonies No 3 Eroica and No 8 
 79. Crud  Missä Olen?   
 80. Crud  Missä Olen?   
 81. Crud  Missä Olen?   
 82. Hermeto Pascoal  Missa Dos Escravos  Slaves Mass 
 83. Paul Hofhaymer Ges.Sbg.  missa pro defunktis  Pierre de la Rue 
 84. Elizabeth's Big Coat  Puirt a Baroque / Return of The Wanderer  Traditional Reel (Variations D. MacLellan) 
 85. Sam Pilafian Tuba, Timothy Russel Conductor, Timothy Morrison Trump  Baroque 'N Brass - Eugene Anderson  Sam Pilafian Tuba, Timothy Russel Conductor, Timothy Morrison Trumpet,Arizona State University Symphony Orchestra / Reception 
 86. Memories of St. Paul's Island  Puirt a Baroque / Return of The Wanderer  Waltz by Paul Cranford 
 87. David Isaacs  Unfinished Baroque Suite - Prelude  Structures 
 88. Sandy Is My Darling  Puirt a Baroque / Kinloch's Fantasy  Reel From Kinloch's Fantasy 
 89. David Isaacs  Unfinished Baroque Suite - Prelude  Structures 
 90. Sure Dread  Redemption (Baroque Dub Champion Version)  Version Excursions 
  «    1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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