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 31. Chris Scott  150 UK Wine Show 150 Kive-ex and index with James Miles  UK Wine Show 
 32. Chris Scott  150 UK Wine Show 150 Kive-ex and index with James Miles  UK Wine Show 
 33. Alex Wunschel  Blick 151 auf ÖVP iReport : Social Media Index : Köbberling  Tellerrand 
 34. Gene S.  AMIR Crackpot Index: Alternative Medicine Version  http://www.theshallowgenepool.com/podcast amir.htm 
 35. Gene S.  AMIR Crackpot Index: Alternative Medicine Version  http://www.theshallowgenepool.com/podcast amir.htm 
 36. Mark Yeandle interviewed by Alexander Osterwalder  Mark Yeandle on the Global Financial Centres Index  podcast series privatebankinginnovation.com 
 37. Bil Boules  bct1335Social Security Economic Recovery  Blind Cool Tech 
 39. METAL Injection Guerilla Radio: The Entropy League  Neaera / Slayer / Misery Index / The Absence / God Dethroned / Cryptopsy / Dragonlord  Episode 54: Absent 
 40. Alex Wunschel  Blick 178 ARD-ZDF-Onlinestudie, Playboy-Verlosung, Twitter Brand Index und Facebook-Gangster  Tellerrand 
 41. Various Speakers  Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum: The Global Peace Index: Its Value and Implications, and the Next Steps  Johns Hopkins SAIS Events - Summer 2007 
 42. George Reisman  A Pro-Free-Market Program for Economic Recovery  Economic Downturn: Cause and Cure 
 43. Barack Obama  Announcement of Economic Recovery Advisory Board Leadership   
 44. White House  Press Briefing by Dana Perino and Edward Lazear, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and Keith Hennessey, Director of the National Economic Council - 03/7/2008  White House Press Briefings 
 45. Bruce Cowper  Microsoft Webcast: Security Series : System Security Configuration Though Group Policy   
 46. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 91: Marc Maiffret of eEye Digital Security - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now May 2007 
 47. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now 91: Marc Maiffret of eEye Digital Security - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now May 2007 
 48. Julia Allen  Getting Real about Security Governance - Part 3: Making Security a Mainstream Process  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 49. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - Chosen Security   
 50. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - Calyptix Security   
 51. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - Relational Security   
 52. Information Security Media Group  Information Security Media Group - RSA Conference 2007 - eDMZ Security   
 53. Barbara Laswell  Building Staff Competence in Security - Part 3: Creating a Culture of Security; Actions Leaders Can Take  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 54. Art Manion  Managing Security Vulnerabilities Based on What Matters Most - Part 1: The Challenges in Defining a Security Vulnerability  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 55. Greg Newby  The Human Side of Security Trade-Offs - Part 2: Building a Security Conscious Culture  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 56. Patty Morrison & Bill Boni  Dual Perspectives: A CIO's and CISO's Take on Security - Part 2: Selling Security and Pinpointing Acceptable Risk  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 57. http://www.mckeay.net  Network Security Podcast - Alex Neihaus Astaro Security  Martin McKeay 
 58. Julia Allen & William Pollak  Why Leaders Should Care About Security - Part 2: Why Is Security a Governance Issue?  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 59. Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte  Security Now103: Paypal Security Key - sponsored by Astaro Corp.  Security Now August 2007 
 60. Felix Domke, Michael Steil  Why Silicon-Based Security is still that hard: Deconstructing Xbox 360 Security  Chaos Communication Congress 2007 (24c3) 
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