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 91. Senator Chris Dodd  Senate Floor Speech on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act   
 92. Senator Chris Dodd  Senate Floor Speech on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act   
 93. Al Gore  Testimony on Global Warming to a Senate Environment Committee   
 94. Al Gore  Testimony on Global Warming to a Senate Environment Committee   
 95. guardian .co.uk  Guardian Daily: Scandal of Obama’s Senate seat  Guardian Daily 
 96. Senator Chris Dodd  Senate Floor Speech on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act   
 97. delivered principally by Al Pacino  The Godfather 2 - Michael Corleone Testifies Before the Senate Committee   
 98. Todd Chretien, Tian Harter, and Kent Mesplay  Green Party Senate Candidate Debate Track 03 mp3  Green Party Senate Candidate Debate 
 99. Todd Chretien, Tian Harter, and Kent Mesplay  Green Party Senate Candidate Debate Track 03 mp3  Green Party Senate Candidate Debate 
 100. Albany-Colonie Chamber of Commerce  New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno  New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno 
 101. Claudette Archambault  User-Centric Intranets: Redesigning Webster, the U.S. Senate's Intranet  Forum One Executive Seminars: Putting Online Audiences First, Again and Again 
 102. WINA's Charlottesville--Right Now with Coy Barefoot  Governor Tim Kaine on next year's U.S. Senate race, state cutbacks  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 103. Albany-Colonie Chamber of Commerce  New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno  New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno 
 104. Andalusia Knoll  Senate Commerce Committee Approves the Local Community Radio Act   
 105. Robert Peel  07 - On the Reform Act  LibriVox House of Commons speeches collection 
 106. Robert Peel  07 - On the Reform Act  LibriVox House of Commons speeches collection 
 107. U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss  Tax reform  U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss Podcast 
 108. Manny Carlos  Reform  Lupang Hinirang 
 109. elisabeth schimana / ludwig zeininger  reform & she came   
 110. Robert Gonzales  Reform  Lupang Hinirang 
 111. James Paul  Reform of the UN   
 112. delivered by Joan Allen  Senator Laine Hanson: Closing Address before the Senate Confirmation Committee   
 113. U.S. Senator Tim Johnson  Johnson Comments on Senate Passage of Farm Bill Conf Report   
 114. Creative Co 10-7-03  Liability Reform 2 -60  WMC 
 115. Daniel T. Griswold  Immigration Reform, at Last?  Daniel T. Griswold 
 116. Absolute Power  Prison Reform  2001-02-27 s2e5 
 117. Paul Jacob  The Year of Reform?  Common Sense, February 9 - 20, 2009 
 118. Shades Of Fiction  Thought Reform  UTR Demo 2008 
 119. Absolute Power  Prison Reform  2001-02-27 s2e5 
 120. Frank Moore For President 2008  on Campaign Reform  www.frankmooreforpresident08.com 
  «    1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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