Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 61. performed by Nigel Tasane (recorder) David W Solomons (guitar)  Handel Sonata IV (in C) arr. DWS 1st mvt   
 62. M.C. Handel  M.C. Handel's 3-D Recorders  Classroom-Tested Favorites Sampler L 
 63. Evgeniy Mun'ko & Boris Tankikh  G. F. Handel. Va tacito   
 64. Evgeniy Mun'ko & Boris Tankikh  G. F. Handel. Dove sei   
 65. performed by Nigel Tasane (recorder) David W Solomons (guitar)  Handel Sonata IV (in C) arr. DWS 5th mvt   
 66. performed by Nigel Tasane (recorder) David W Solomons (guitar)  Handel Sonata IV (in C) arr. DWS 4th mvt   
 67. performed by Nigel Tasane (recorder) David W Solomons (guitar)  Handel Sonata IV (in C) arr. DWS 3rd mvt   
 68. performed by Nigel Tasane (recorder) David W Solomons (guitar)  Handel Sonata IV (in C) arr. DWS 2nd mvt   
 69. David Lines, organ  Handel - Fuga II in G  Milan Digital Audio 
 70. Academy of Ancient Music, Choir of New College Oxford, Higginbottom  Handel's 'Messiah'  Handel's 'Messiah' 
 71. Handel/M. Brand  Handel's Largo  Concert Band 
 72. Anthony Newman  Handel: Where'er You Walk  The Wedding Album 
 73. AFP Summit  Karen Handel   
 74. Andrea Bocelli  Handel - Ombra mai fu  Sacred arias 
 75. Paris String Trio  Handel, La Rejouissance   
 76. Trio Con Brio  Handel Pasacaille  http://music.download.com 
 77. Handel/M. Brand  Handel's Largo  Concert Band 
 78. Baroque Chamber Trio  Handel: La Rejouissance  CAB Ceremonial 
 79. Amanda Jane Kelley  Tecum Principium, by Handel  Demo CD 
 80. Amanda Jane Kelley  Tecum Principium, by Handel  Demo CD 
 81. My Ambient Nature Girl  Handel's Messiah Part 4  Silber Sounds of Christmas 
 82. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Allegro  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 83. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Larghetto  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 84. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Allegro  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 85. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Allegro  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 86. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Andante  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 87. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Allegro  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 88. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Allegro  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 89. J.S. Bach & Handel  J. S. Bach - Händel / Allegro  J.S. Bach, G.F. Händel 
 90. GNHCC  Hallelujah Chorus - Handel  Glorias and Hallelujahs 
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