Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 61. Colby O'Donis  Don't Turn Back     
 62. Butcher  Don't you turn yor back on me   
 63. Circle of Grin  Turn your back on me  Same as it never was 
 64. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years     
 65. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years  Simplified   
 66. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years  You've Got It   
 67. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years     
 68. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years  The 80's  
 69. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years  The 80's   
 70. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years     
 71. Michael Bell  Holding Back The Years  Simply Red Covers 
 72. Simply Red  Holding Back The Years  Greatest Hits   
 73. Aqua  Turn Back Time  Aquarium   
 74. Colby O'Donis .::© Www.JiGhil.Com ::.  05- Dont Turn Back  Colby O .::© Www.JiGhil.Com ::. 
 75. Cher  If I Could Turn Back Time   
 76. Cher  If I Could Turn Back Time     
 77. Cher  Turn Back Time  Remix Collection   
 78. Aqua  Turn back time     
 79. Cher  If I Could Turn Back Time     
 80. Cher  Turn Back Time  Remix Collection   
 81. Sister Act  If I could turn back time  Untitled - 19-08-04 
 82. The 69 Eyes  Don't Turn Your Back On Fear  Paris Kills  
 83. Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose  It's Too Late To Turn Back Now   
 84. El Michaels Affair  Too Late To Turn Back  Sounding Out The City 
 85. Aqua  Turn back time  Aquarium   
 86. Aqua  Turn Back Time  Aquarium   
 87. Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose  It's Too Late To Turn Back Now   
 88. Vernon Garrett  If I Could Turn Back The Hands    
 89. Johnny Hates Jazz  Turn Back The Clock    
 90. BURNING RAIN  Can't Turn Your Back On Love  PLEASURE TO BURN  
  «    1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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