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 61. Dunproofin'  Casbah Wonder   
 62. El Ray  Casbah  Shoot From The Hip 
 63. Paul Adams  Mr. Kits Casbah  Wonder Dancing On Global Bop 
 64. DJ Transpacificus  Rudy Rocks The Casbah  WFMU Mixes 
 65. 04.Alibert; Rellys & Rivers Cadet - Viens Dans Ma Casbah [From les Trois De La Marine]  04.Alibert; Rellys & Rivers Cadet - Viens Dans Ma Casbah [From les Trois De La Marine]  1906-1942 Chansons coloniales et exotiques CD 1 
 66. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Ne  TPN Rock - The Friday Rock Show from South by Southwest Music (SXSW)  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The 
 67. The New Yorker  Lost Soul: Sasha Frere-Jones talks about how indie-rock bands have strayed from the origins of rock and roll.  The New Yorker Out Loud Podcast 
 68. Alan Vogel  G. Miki Hayden Rock on Rock and A.S. King How I became My Father.mp3  Lit103.3 
 69. Cousin Cole & Shop Boyz  Party Like A Rock Star (Cousin Cole's Rock Mix)  www.myspace.com/cousincole 
 70. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The 2009 Eurovision Rock-tack-ular  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 71. Apocalypse Cow Productions  Apocalypse Cow - Rock Vol. 1 - Modern Rock, home of the hi-fi.  Apocalype Cow Music Licensing 
 72. Rock  NFS Most Wanted 14-Soundtrack Rock-I Am Rock www.mamedos.tk  Need for Speed: Most Wanted 
 73. Ferry Corsten  Rock Your Body Rock (F.Massif Remix)     
 74. Ewan Spence and CC Chapman  TPN Rock: The Accident Hash / TPN Rock Mashup, vol 1  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 75. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock Eurovision 2008 Rock-tacular  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 76. Series 6000 - The General  ROCK - SMALL ROCK TUMBLING DOWN SLOPE  Sounddogs.com 
 77. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The Christmas Rock-tacular 2008  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 78. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock - The Christmas 2007 Rock-tacular!  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 79. Series 6000 - The General  ROCK - LARGE ROCK TUMBLING DOWN SLOPE  Sounddogs.com 
 80. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The Christmas Rock-tacular 2008  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 81. Download Sound Effects - SoundDogs - David Hayes Productions  ����fects - All or Nothing D - Mid 80's hard rock sound with cleaner guitars and bass guitar and drums. Hard Rock. David Hayes, SOCAN.  http://www.Sounddogs.com 
 82. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock 61: The Friday Rock Show  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 83. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The Friday Rock Show #82  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 84. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock : The Friday Rock Show #111  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 85. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The Friday Rock Show #102  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 86. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The Friday Rock Show #143  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 87. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The Friday Rock Show #83  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 88. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: The Friday Rock Show #144  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 89. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock : The Friday Rock Show #142  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
 90. Ewan Spence and The Podcast Network  TPN Rock: THe Friday Rock Show #79  TPN Rock: The Rock Show on The Podcast Network 
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