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 1. George Frideric Handel  Appendix - Aria: "Sono i copli della sorte"  Rodelinda-Kermes, Mijanovic; Curtis 
 2. Mary Everest Boole  18 - Appendix  Philosophy and Fun of Algebra 
 3. Mark Twain  63 Appendix C  Life on the Mississippi 
 4. bpNichol  Appendix  7 single published in 1978 by Black Moss Press ; issued as part of Sean O’Huigin’s POE TREE: A Simple Introduction to Experimental Poetry. Recording by R. Hindley-Smith and Starborne Productions. 
 5. Eliza P. Donner Houghton  39 - Appendix I  The Expedition of the Donner Party and Its Tragic Fate 
 6. Mark Twain  Appendix A  Roughing It  
 7. Mark Twain  Appendix C  Roughing It 
 8. Sound Medicine  12-16-07: The Appendix, Useful After All   
 9. Ernest Shackleton  35 - Appendix II  South! The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 
 10. bpNichol  Appendix  7 
 11. Ernest Shackleton  34 - Appendix I, part 2  South! The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 
 12. Ernest Shackleton  33 - Appendix I, part 1  South! The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 
 13. Ellen Clacy  18 - Appendix: - Who Should Emigrate?  A Ladys Visit To The Gold Diggings of Australia 
 14. Ellen Clacy  18 - Appendix: - Who Should Emigrate?  A Ladys Visit To The Gold Diggings of Australia 
 15. Ernest Shackleton  33 - Appendix I, part 1  South! The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 
 16. Sloth Head  Nicky's Appendix   
 17. HELICAL SCAN  Index II  Index 
 18. Felt  Index  Absolute Felt 
 19. HELICAL SCAN  Index I  Index  
 20. H.G. Wells  5: Appendix - Little Wars and Kriegspiel  Little Wars 
 21. Mark Twain  55 - Appendix E: Legend of the Castles  A Tramp Abroad 
 22. Sten Hanson  07 Appendix: My Galloping Heart  Autobiography 
 23. Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Fazale Rana  Appendix: Useful and in Fact Promising  Science News Flash 
 24. Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin  39 - Appendix IX. The Incandescent Lamp  Edison, His Life and Inventions 
 25. The Cow Exchange  See Attached Appendix (demo)  FAWM 2007 Demos (Body Parts) 
 26. Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin  44 - Appendix XIV. Train Telegraphy  Edison, His Life and Inventions 
 27. Brothers Grimm  63 - Appendix - About the Brothers Grimm  Grimm's Fairy Tales 
 28. Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin  42 - Appendix XII. The Three Wire System  Edison, His Life and Inventions 
 29. Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin  34 - Appendix IV. Wireless Telegraphy  Edison, His Life and Inventions 
 30. Mark EG Chrissi  'Multiple Index'    
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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