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 Emergency String Quartet  Luggage Store Gallery March 22 
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 The Disco Biscuits  2006-08-05 Lollapalooza - Chicago, IL 
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 Mountain Goats  Somerville, MA, 2009-03-25 
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 Apollo Sunshine  2007-04-22 - University of New Hampshire 
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 Apollo Sunshine  2007-04-22 - University of New Hampshire 
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 Zach Gill  2008-02-06 - SOhO Restaurant and Music Club 
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 Cowboy Junkies  1994-04-14 - Great American Music Hall 
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 Zach Gill  2008-02-06 - SOhO Restaurant and Music Club 
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 Clay Aiken  West Palm Beach Live Aug 18 2007 Set 2 
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 Charlie & Sal   
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 Suit & Tie Guy Band  12/2/2000 at One World Disc 1 
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 Suit & Tie Guy Band  12/2/2000 at One World Disc 1 
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 Cowboy Junkies  1994-04-14 - Great American Music Hall 
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 Frankie Valli  Tropicana Casino Atlantic City, NJ Sept. 11, 1986 
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 Brothers Past  2007-04-21 The Beat Kitchen - Chicago, IL 
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 Jerry Garcia-Bob Weir-Duane Allman  11-21-70 WBCN-FM Studios - Boston, Massachusetts  
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 Rich Richards  Live at the Concert Place, OK 
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 The Disco Biscuits  2006-08-05 Lollapalooza - Chicago, IL 
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 Safe Boating is No Accident  2009-01-16 - Lion's Lair, Denver, CO 
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 Safe Boating is No Accident  2009-01-16 - Lion's Lair, Denver, CO 
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 Mountain Goats  Somerville, MA, 2009-03-25 
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 Mountain Goats  Somerville, MA, 2009-03-25 
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 Mountain Goats  Somerville, MA, 2009-03-25 
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 Billy Corgan  07/07/05 - The Pageant - St. Louis, MO  
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 AB-  Alloy 
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 Patterson Hood  2006-01-07 - Asheville Pizza & Brewing Company 
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 The Disco Biscuits  2006-06-08 - Revival Tent - Wakarusa Festival 
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 Glen PhillipsGlen Phillips and Nickel Creek   
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 Clay Aiken  Houston Live July 6 2007 Set 1 
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