Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Curious inversions  Voluntary  Whom  
 2. Mark Quarmby  Vesper Voluntary in D Op.14, No 8  Sing with the Spirit 
 3. Doree String Quartet  Trumpet Voluntary  Unknown Album 
 4. Orpheus Classical Ensembles  Trumpet Voluntary  Harp and Flute - mp3 quality 
 5. Dronebixie  Voluntary Intoxications  Ignis Fatuus 
 6. christian j. kerschies  Voluntary-Camidge  Instrumental classic 
 7. Maura and CO  Trumpet Voluntary  Flute Trio 
 8. Maura and CO  Trumpet Voluntary  Flute Trio 
 9. Dronebixie  Voluntary Intoxications  Ignis Fatuus 
 10. FHS Blue Band  Voluntary on Old Hundredth   
 11. Anton Schwartz  Trumpet Voluntary  Wedding Demo 
 12. Starlite Strings: Bellezza Ensemble  Trumpet Voluntary  Starlite Strings Wedding Music Sampler 
 13. Giardino String Quartet  Trumpet Voluntary   
 14. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra  Trumpet Voluntary  Concert Masterpieces - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 
 15. Ontario Ensemble  Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary  CAB Ceremonial 
 16. Genesee String Quartet  Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary  CAB Ceremonial 
 17. Wynton Marsalis  Trumpet Voluntary - Stanley  - 
 18. Maura & Co.  Trumpet Voluntary String  Instrumental Music for Your Wedding 
 19. Wynton Marsalis, Anthony Newman; English Chamber Orchestra  Stanley: Trumpet Voluntary  Classic Wynton 
 20. St George Hospital Beirut  As the Lord went to His voluntary passion  Byzantine Chants Recital 
 21. Maura & Co.  Trumpet Voluntary Flute  Instrumental Music for Your Wedding 
 22. J. Clarke  Trumpet Voluntary/Prince of De  Album 
 23. Classical Music for All Occasions - newenglandmusicians.com 2004  Clarke - Trumpet Voluntary  newenglandmusicians.com 
 24. Anthony Newman  Stanley: Trumpet Voluntary  The Wedding Album 
 25. Wynton Marsalis, Anthony Newman; English Chamber Orchestra  Clarke: The Prince Of Denmark's March (Trumpet Voluntary In D)  Classic Wynton 
 26. Les Morgan  Dr. Stanley Terman On Voluntary Refusal of Food and Fluids   
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