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 1. Asian Snap Foundation/pltXtra  Truth'n'Power   
 2. Elder Robert R. Steuer  The Power of Light and Truth  2008 April General Conference - English 
 3. Bill Donahue  Speaking Truth to Power  AFSI Conference 2006 
 4. Clay Nelson  Foolishly Speaking Truth to Power  iGod St Matthew-in-the-City 
 5. Johnny Wizard  Truth to Power - The Johnny Wizard Conundrum  Johnny Wizard's Greatest Hits 
 6. Johnny Wizard  Truth to Power - The Johnny Wizard Conundrum  Johnny Wizard's Greatest Hits 
 7. Johnny Wizard  Truth to Power - The Johnny Wizard Conundrum  Johnny Wizard's Greatest Hits 
 8. Gordon Hickson  3145 The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth 26-08-2007 PM  Sermons From St Aldates, Oxford 
 9. Gordon Hickson  3145 The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth 26-08-2007 PM  Sermons From St Aldates, Oxford 
 10. Tim Wilson  The Battle for Truth: Christian Truth  St Peter's Barge 
 11. Rabbi Adam Jacobs  Parsha July 14 2008 Hard Power Verses Soft Power   
 12. 1000 Dead Rock Stars  1000 Dead Rock Stars - Power, Passion And Power  Heavy Water #1 
 13. 1000 Dead Rock Stars  1000 Dead Rock Stars - Power, Passion And Power  Heavy Water #1 
 14. Raven Davis  Women Power - The Power of Intentions - How to Live in Joy  Women Power Talk Radio 
 15. David Fraser  2007-08-11 My Way or No Way: The Truth About The Truth  Pasdac 2007 
 16. David Fraser  2007-08-11 My Way or No Way: The Truth About The Truth  Pasdac 2007 
 17. Audio Network Plc  Power Chord - Single A Major power chord on a solo electric guitar. John Etheridge. Audio Network Plc (PRS). PRS.  Sounddogs.com 
 18. Audio Network Plc  Power Chord 2 - Two power chords on a solo electric guitar. From A Major to E Major. John Etheridge. Audio Network Plc (PRS). PRS.  Sounddogs.com 
 19. Phoenix Wolf-Ray  My Power Is Healing, My Power Is Love  PWCA 07 
 20. Fr. Hudgins  In your love for the truth, never forget the truth of love.  Amazon 
 21. Fr. Hudgins  In your love of the truth, never forget the truth of love.  Amazon 
 22. Fr. Hudgins  In your love of the truth, never forget the truth of love.  Amazon 
 23. 50 Foot Wave  Power Light: Honeysuckle/Power Light/Wax  2009-03-12 - Music Hall of Williamsburg 
 24. 50 Foot Wave  Power Light: Honeysuckle/Power Light/Wax  2009-03-12 - Music Hall of Williamsburg 
 25. The Brood Needs Food  Don't Believe The Truth  The Dogfish 
 26. The Oakes Brothers  Nothing but the Truth  Trace of a Feeling 
 27. The Gossip  Ain't It The Truth  Arkansas Heat 
 28. The Sky Drops  Truth Is  Bourgeois Beat  
 29. The National Archives  The Truth is in Here  Past Masters 
 30. Cool Hand Luke  Buy the Truth  The Sleeping House 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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