Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Cicada  Rugged  Unfinished 
 2. Jay C. Wingard  The Old Rugged Cross  October Skies 
 3. Marge Lawrence  The Old Rugged Cross  In The Garden 
 4. 8:15 Congregation  The Old Rugged Cross  Greenwich Hymn Sing 
 5. Gaither Music Company  The Old Rugged Cross  November 2006 Choral Plan CD 
 6. Harold DeCou  The Old Rugged Cross  Music Of Inspiration 
 7. Edmond Church of Christ  The Old Rugged Cross  SearchTV Reel 7 Oct 1988 
 8. Carman  The Old Rugged Cross/Oh, The B  Contemporary Gospel 
 9. Carman  The Old Rugged Cross/Oh, The B  Contemporary Gospel 
 10. The Forester Sister  Old rugged cross  Greatest Gospel Hits 
 11. The Forester Sister  Old rugged cross  Greatest Gospel Hits 
 12. Andrew Doss  The Old Rugged Cross  Unknown Album 
 13. Esther Lee  Your Rugged Cross  Where Glory Began 
 14. Harold DeCou  The Old Rugged Cross  Music Of Inspiration 
 15. Miles To Go Before Sleep  Old Rugged Cross 8.16.09  Live Worship  
 16. Todd George  The Old Rugged Cross  Unknown Album 
 17. Fellowship Singers  The Old Rugged Cross  15 All time Favorite Hymns Sing-A-Long 
 18. Eric Horner  The Old Rugged Cross  I Will Serve 
 19. Ed Cummins  The Old Rugged Cross   
 20. Ed Cummins  The Old Rugged Cross   
 21. Ed Cummins  The Old Rugged Cross  New Title (1) 
 22. Ed Cummins  The Old Rugged Cross  New Title (1) 
 23. Larry Hall Productions  The Old Rugged Cross  Passion Hymns for a Kid's Heart 
 24. George Jones  The Old Rugged Cross    
 25. George Jones  The Old Rugged Cross    
 26. Eddie Arnold  The Old Rugged Cross   
 27. Eddie Arnold  The Old Rugged Cross   
 28. Al Green  The Old Rugged Cross  One In A Million  
 29. FRESH, Freddy  Rugged Ways  Surrounded By Funk 
 30. Jazz Dixie  The Old Rugged Cross   
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