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 Flanagan Brothers  I'm Leaving Tipperary 
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 Flanagan Brothers  I'm Leaving Tipperary 
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 Flanagan Brothers  I'm Leaving Tipperary 
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 Flanagan Brothers  I'm Leaving Tipperary 
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 Alasdair Roberts  No Earthly Man 
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 Arthur Collins and Joe Natus  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8218 
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 Midwest City High School Bands  00-01 
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 Stephen Foster  American Dreams 
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 Stephen Foster  American Dreams 
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 Stephen Foster  American Dreams 
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 the unity  the unity 
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 The Good Ship  11/30/06 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 
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 Colm O'Donnell  Celtic Mouth Music 
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 Percy Grainger  The Bicentennial Collection Disc 5  
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 Bellman Barker  Amazon 
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 Heart-Sick Groans   
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 Flanagan Brothers  I'm Leaving Tipperary 
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 USM Jazz Ensemble   
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 USM Jazz Ensemble   
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 Bell & Cooper  Anything Goes Vermont Sessions 
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 The Good Ship  11/30/06 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 
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 J D Crowe Tony Rice Doyle Lawson Bobby Hicks and Todd Phillips  That High Lonesome Sound 
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 Daisy Dynamite  7 
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 evf  future we are 
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 Bellman Barker   
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 Blog Relations  Blog Relations Podcast 
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 National Promenade Band  Edison Blue Amberol: 2851 
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 Dion Bizarre   
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 Vernon Dalhart and Betsy Lane Shepherd  Edison Blue Amberol: 4424 
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 Ben Bryner  Dose of Reality 
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