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 1. Stanley, Charles  Brokenness Study #6 - After Brokenness What Then?  firefighters.org 
 2. Steve Sommerlot  Brokenness  The Saint 
 3. Dr. Jim Bradford  God's Greatness and Our Brokenness  Thanksgiving 2006 
 4. Dr. Jim Bradford  God's Greatness and Our Brokenness  Thanksgiving 2006 
 5. Pastor David Baird  Freedom From Brokenness   
 6. Charles R. Swindoll  God's School of Brokenness  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 7. Charles R. Swindoll  God's School of Brokenness  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 8. Stanley, Charles  Brokenness Study #5 - The Promise  firefighters.org 
 9. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Excellence in the Unseen Realm   
 10. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Cultivating A Non-Offendable Heart   
 11. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Practics of Hidden Excellence   
 12. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Practics of Hidden Excellence   
 13. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Excellence in the Unseen Realm   
 14. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Understanding Spiritual Authority   
 15. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Understanding Spiritual Authority   
 16. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Cultivating a Correctible Spirit   
 17. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Cultivating A Non-Offendable Heart   
 18. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Understanding Spiritual Authority, Part II   
 19. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Understanding Spiritual Authority, Part II   
 20. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Understanding Spiritual Authority: The Independent Spirit   
 21. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Understanding Spiritual Authority: God's Authority   
 22. Steve Fry  Marks of Brokenness: Understanding Spiritual Authority: God's Authority   
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