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 1.  Fr. Hudgins  First understanding, then action, then blessedness.  
 2.  Fr. Hudgins  Take the initiative in loving others.  
 3.  Fr. Hudgins  Understanding the Sacraments: Confession and Anointing Of the Sick Catholic Inquiry Class Part II 
 4.  Fr. Hudgins  Understanding the Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation Catholic Inquiry Class Part II 
 5.  Fr. Hudgins  Understanding the Sacraments: Marriage And Holy Orders The Catholic Inquiry Class Part II 
 6.  Fr. Hudgins  Understanding the Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation Catholic Inquiry Class Part II 
 7.  Fr. Hudgins  Understanding the Sacraments: Marriage And Holy Orders The Catholic Inquiry Class Part II 
 8.  Fr. Hudgins  What fruit is your prayer bearing?  
 9.  Fr. Hudgins  Unlike in the physical order, our brotherhood and sisterhood in God lasts forever.  
 10.  Fr. Hudgins  The power of the Rosary.  
 11.  Fr. Hudgins  What does it mean to believe in the one he sent'?  
 12.  Fr. Hudgins  You can know God more deeply by keeping His commandments  
 13.  Fr. Hudgins  You can know God more deeply by keeping His commandments  
 14.  Fr. Hudgins  Christian discipleship is inseparable from sacrifice.  
 15.  Fr. Hudgins  Christian discipleship is inseparable from sacrifice.  
 16.  Fr. Hudgins  Jesus rarely makes personal appearances today; He shepherds his flock through his Church.  
 17.  Fr. Hudgins  Into whose hands do you commend your spirit? Good Friday Homily, 2005 
 18.  Fr. Hudgins  Into whose hands do you commend your spirit? Good Friday Homily, 2005 
 19.  Fr. Hudgins  The smallest things shed light to others and spread the good news of Christ.  
 20.  Fr. Hudgins  God reveals His secrets to the humble of heart.  
 21.  Fr. Hudgins  Take the initiative in loving others.  
 22.  Fr. Hudgins  Love one another; this life ain't about you!  
 23.  Fr. Hudgins  We are the beggars, God is the King; go ahead and ask. Amazon 
 24.  Fr. Hudgins  The smallest things shed light to others and spread the good news of Christ.  
 25.  Fr. Hudgins  Love depends on desire; pray God deepens yours for Him.  
 26.  Fr. Hudgins  Sin is a personal choice against the love of God.  
 27.  Fr. Hudgins  Love one another; this life ain't about you!  
 28.  Fr. Hudgins  What is holiness?  
 29.  Fr. Hudgins  Gaudete Sunday--Rejoice in the Lord!  
 30.  Fr. Hudgins  Come, Lord Jesus.  
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