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 1.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it When Death Robs Us of Dear Ones, Part 2 
 2.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Suffering That Comes With Marriage & Family Life, Part 1 
 3.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Suffering That Comes With Marriage & Family Life, Part 2 
 4.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it When Death Robs Us of Dear Ones, Part 1 
 5.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Biblical Response to the Problem of Evil, Part 1 
 6.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it How Christ�s Suffering Teaches Us to Transform Our Suffering, Part 1 
 7.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Illegitimate and Unnecessary Suffering 
 8.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Some answers to the Problem of Suffering 
 9.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Suffering When Members of the Church Let Us Down, Part 4 
 10.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it God�s Answer to Job 
 11.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it The Christian Understanding of Suffering 
 12.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Suffering When Members of the Church Let Us Down, Part 1 
 13.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Some answers to the Problem of Suffering Part 2 
 14.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it How Christ�s Suffering Teaches Us to Transform Our Suffering, Part 2 
 15.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Christian Response to the Problem of Evil, Part 2 
 16.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Suffering When Members of the Church Let Us Down, Part 3 
 17.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Christian Response to the Problem of Evil, Part 1 
 18.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Suffering When Members of the Church Let Us Down, Part 2 
 19.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Biblical Response to the Problem of Evil, Part 2 
 20.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Suffering Caused by Pride 
 21.  Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Alice von Hildebrand  Suffering and What to do with it Introduction 
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