Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1.  Angelic Upstarts  Teenage Warning Teenage Warning   
 2.  Angelic Upstarts  Police Opression  
 3.  Angelic Upstarts  Teenage Warning Teenage Warning   
 4.  Angelic Upstarts  Leave Me Alone Teenage Warning  
 5.  Angelic Upstarts  Guns For The Afghan Rebels The ModPopPunk archives   
 6.  Angelic Upstarts  Pride of Our Passion Blood On The Terraces  
 7.  Angelic Upstarts  Solidarity The Indepensent Punk Singles Collection   
 8.  Angelic Upstarts  Nowhere to run  
 9.  Angelic Upstarts  Im An Upstart Teenage Warning  
 10.  Angelic Upstarts  Leave Me Alone Teenage Warning  
 11.  Angelic Upstarts  Bandiera Rossa Sons Of Spartacus  
Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
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