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 1. Vernon, Bob Three Kinds of Prayer  www.higherpraise.com  
 2. Henderson, Dennis Financial Freedom Personal Finance #3  www.higherpraise.com  
 3. Kroeker, Mark Today's Evil World - 2 Thes. 2:1-17  www.higherpraise.com  
 4. Kroeker, Mark What is  www.higherpraise.com  
 5. Carlson, Ron Evolution  www.higherpraise.com   
 6. Strickland, Danny Making a Decision and Sticking to It  www.higherpraise.com  
 7. Hocking, David Three Things about God  www.higherpraise.com  
 8. Hocking, David Dr. Days of Creation  www.higherpraise.com  
 9. Hocking, David Dr. Great Fires Of The Bible  www.higherpraise.com  
 10. Stanley, Charles Ultimate Rejection, The  www.higherpraise.com  
 11. Stanley, Charles Reconciling Broken Relationships  www.higherpraise.com  
 12. Candle Music Machine, The  www.higherpraise.com  
 13. Ten Boom, Corrie Door of Repentance  www.higherpraise.com  
 14. Henderson, Dennis Intro and Prosperity Cult Personal Finance #1  www.higherpraise.com  
 15. Stewart, Don Jesus, The Person  www.higherpraise.com  
 16. Carlson, Ron Sun Myung Moon  www.higherpraise.com  
 17. Carlson, Ron Evolution  www.higherpraise.com   
 18. Carlson, Ron Armstrong: Plain Truth  www.higherpraise.com  
 19. Carlson, Ron Prosperity Theology  www.higherpraise.com  
 20. Carlson, Ron Christian Science Unity and Reincarnation  www.higherpraise.com  
 21. Wilkerson, David Last Days of America  www.higherpraise.com  
 22. Johnson,Don Fork In The Road Decisions  www.higherpraise.com  
 23. Lilley,Floy Dr. International Criminal Court  www.higherpraise.com  
 24. Laurie, Greg What is a Christian?  www.higherpraise.com  
 25. Laurie, Greg Jesus and the Yuppie  www.higherpraise.com  
 26. Laurie, Greg Shepard's Story, A  www.higherpraise.com  
 27. Laurie, Greg Practical Precautions  www.higherpraise.com  
 28. Lindsey, Hal Things to come and the Way to Escape  www.higherpraise.com  
 29. Lindsey, Hal Becoming Who You Are  www.higherpraise.com  
 30. Lindsey, Hal Late Great Planet Earth, The -  www.higherpraise.com  
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