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 DeadLock Thousand Suns   
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 DeadLock Thousand Suns  
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 DeadLock Thousand Suns   
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 Dedspace No Machine  
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 Bad Nasty / Dick Spikie Bad Nasty-Never wanted  
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 Hot Hot Heat/Red Light Sting Cork Up the Stink  
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 Pitbull Diesel Demons Are Forever   
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 The Dismemberment Plan Crush   
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 Doom Scandinavian Doorbreaker  
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 Face Down How Will I Survive  
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 ZZ Pot / Dr. Ninja Tinkering With Weapons of Mass Destruction  
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 Meanest Man Contest I Was Only Kidding   
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 Hot Hot Heat/Red Light Sting Haircut Economics    
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 Hot Hot Heat/Red Light Sting Cork Up the Stink  
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 Hot Hot Heat/Red Light Sting Haircut Economics    
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 Hot Hot Heat/Red Light Sting Haircut Economics    
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 Antoine Chessex Power Stupidity And Ignorance  
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 Blanket Music / Noise for Pretend Pants With His Halfway Down  
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 Third Degree Burn Third degree burn - Free at last  
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 Beneath the Frozen Soil Preludium  
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 Third Degree Burn Third degree burn - Free at last  
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 Beneath the Frozen Soil The Time Is Now  
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 Until The Fall Until the Fall Test of Time  
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 the rabbit theory where's your Delorean now?  
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 Savage Man Savage Beast / Microphallus / Blue Holocaust Blue Holocaust / The Gates of Hell  
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 Savage Man Savage Beast / Microphallus / Blue Holocaust Blue Holocaust / Intro  
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 Savage Man Savage Beast / Microphallus / Blue Holocaust Blue Holocaust / Acid Vat  
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 Savage Man Savage Beast / Microphallus / Blue Holocaust Blue Holocaust / Crematory Fumes  
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 Savage Man Savage Beast / Microphallus / Blue Holocaust Blue Holocaust / Blue Holocaust  
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 Savage Man Savage Beast / Microphallus / Blue Holocaust Blue Holocaust / The Edge of the Axe  
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