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 31. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 72 - looks at the latest renewable power projections from the International Energy Agency  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 32. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 104 - one major European country's attempts to hit an ambitious clean energy target  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 33. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 28 - Good news and bad news for biofuels at the start of 2008  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 34. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 78 - times are tough but finance for clean energy has not dried up  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 35. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 84 - Ireland and US make the running on clean energy stimulus measures  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 36. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 17 - Talks about European firms' billion dollar purchases of US wind  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 37. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 50 - how a French giant has spurred on the upswing in clean energy takeover activity.  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 38. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 97 - renewable power in the context of wider energy trends  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 39. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 82 - investors see short-term pain, long-term gain in wind sector  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 40. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 25 - The clean energy bandwagon gets a shove from Down Under  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 41. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 85 - Solar sector generals place their battalions for medium-term advantage  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 42. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 63 - Renewables in the wake of the Lehman collapse  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 43. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 79 - wind projects make progress but the flow of clean energy deals is sluggish in early 2009.  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 44. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 23 - Talks about a sudden blast of cold air for clean energy firms hoping to float on stock markets  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 45. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 102 - the struggle for finance of VC-backed clean energy firms  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 46. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 8 - Talks about the possible impact on clean energy of the trouble in world debt markets  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 47. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 22 - Renewables offer hope amid even bleaker world energy outlook  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 48. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 40 - reports on clean energy policy moves in Europe, the US and Japan  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 49. New Energy Finance Ltd NEF Podcast 68 - how clean energy investors and executives are starting to look through short-term finance challenges to the opportunities of 2009  Clean Energy News from New Energy Finance  
 50. Grooverider @ Energy - March/April 1996  Energy  
 51. Mark Nash What Do You Want From Me  Energy  
 52. Everything Is Energy Hut  Everything Is Energy   
 53. Energy D Underwater Level  Energy D  
 54. Darren Jay @ Energy - March/April 1996  Energy  
 55. Dr. S Gachet @ Energy - March/April 1996  Energy  
 56. Bill Eastep Runnin'  Energy Is  
 57. Mickey Finn @ Energy - March/April 1996  Energy  
 58. FreestyLer vs CS CS mix FreestyLer (72)  [Energy(72)]  
 59. Andy C @ Energy - March/April 1996  Energy  
 60. Black Eyed Peas Boom Boom Pow  The E.N.D. (The Energy Never D    
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