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 61. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-08 St. Thais  Saint Of The Day  
 62. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 08-12 Alexander of Comana  Saint Of The Day  
 63. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 09-22 Venerable Cosmas  Saint Of The Day  
 64. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 08-26 Adrian and Natalia  Saint Of The Day  
 65. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 09-23 New Martyr John of Epirus  Saint Of The Day  
 66. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-10 Andrew of Totma  Saint Of The Day  
 67. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-13 Holy Martyr Zlata  Saint Of The Day  
 68. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-29 Sts. Abramius And Mary  Saint Of The Day  
 69. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-04 Holy Fr. Joannicius  Saint Of The Day  
 70. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-29 Sts. Abramius And Mary  Saint Of The Day  
 71. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-10 Fr. Arsenius  Saint Of The Day  
 72. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-23 St. Macarius The Roman  Saint Of The Day  
 73. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-04 Holy Fr. Joannicius  Saint Of The Day  
 74. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 07-17 Great Martyr Marina Of Antioch In Posidia  Saint Of The Day  
 75. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 08-18 Florus and Laurus  Saint Of The Day  
 76. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-24 St. Clement Of Rome  Saint Of The Day  
 77. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-28 Bishop Firmilian  Saint Of The Day  
 78. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-25 St. Catherine Of Alexandria  Saint Of The Day  
 79. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-17 Fr. Gregory The Wonderworker  Saint Of The Day  
 80. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-14 Holy Apostle Philip  Saint Of The Day  
 81. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 12-05 St. Cosmas Of Mt. Athos  Saint Of The Day  
 82. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 12-16 Holy Empress Theophano  Saint Of The Day  
 83. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 12-08 St. Patapius  Saint Of The Day  
 84. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-25 St. Catherine Of Alexandria  Saint Of The Day  
 85. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-24 St. Clement Of Rome  Saint Of The Day  
 86. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 12-02 Holy Martyr Myrope  Saint Of The Day  
 87. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 12-08 St. Patapius  Saint Of The Day  
 88. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-27 Father Demetrius  Saint Of The Day  
 89. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 10-24 Holy Martyr Arethas  Saint Of The Day  
 90. Dn. Jerome Atherholt 11-17 Fr. Gregory The Wonderworker  Saint Of The Day  
  «    1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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