ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Sister Ann Kendrick | Worker Justice-The Honor of Work | SS2007-09-02 | |
2. | Jesse Sloan and Paul-Gabriel Rowley | Wine and Cakes: Ostara/Easter Celebration | SS2007-04-08 | |
3. | Liz Cutler, Paul Gabriel Rowley, Rianna Garcia | The Young Adults of the UUUS � The Campus Ministry | SS2007-01-21 | |
4. | Liz Cutler, Paul Gabriel Rowley, Rianna Garcia | The Young Adults of the UUUS � The Campus Ministry | SS2007-01-21 | |
5. | Rep. Scott Randolph | The 2007 Florida Legislature Session | SS2007-05-27 | |
6. | Michael Scott Earl | Confronting The Ultimate Illusion | SS2007-07-29 | |
7. | Dr. Rachel Newcomb | Behind the Veil-Islam and MisconceptionsAbout Muslim Women | SS2007-10-14 | |
8. | Dr. Jim Gilkeson | Why Am I so Scary? - Perspectives from a Single Gay Adoptive Father | SS2007-06-10 | |
9. | Rev. Dr. Marni Harmony | What's A Religious Liberal to Do? | SS2007-03-25 | |
10. | Terri Susan Fine | Terri Susan Fine - The New Congress | SS2007-01-07 | |
11. | Terri Susan Fine | The New Congress | SS2007-01-07 | |
12. | Rev. Don Taylor | Making 2008 A Light Year | SS2007-12-16 | |
13. | Gary Przyborski | The UUUS Green Sanctuary Program | SS2007-11-18 | |
14. | YRUU Group | Kids in Revolt | SS2007-04-15 | |
15. | Rev. John Higgins | The Unitarian Controversy | SS2007-05-20 | |
16. | Rev. John Higgins | Jenkin Lloyd Jones and Modern Unitarianism | SS2007-09-16 | |
17. | Rev. John Higgins | Is Iraq a Country? | SS2007-03-11 | |
18. | Paul Gabriel Rowley | UUA General Assembly Happenings | SS2007-07-01 | |
19. | Rev. Mark Spivey | Scared to Death | SS2007-10-21 | |
20. | Sister Ann Kendrick | Worker Justice-The Honor of Work | SS2007-09-02 | |
21. | Frankie Price Stern | SAI Moral Values for a Pluralistic Society | SS2007-03-04 | |
22. | Dr. Marilyn Stewart | Global Warming: The Tipping Point | SS2007-08-05 | |
23. | Dr. Marilyn Stewart | Global Warming: The Tipping Point | SS2007-08-05 | |
24. | Tom Cook | Walking Between the Worlds | SS2007-10-28 | |
25. | Stephanie Dryden and other UUUS Members | Religious Educataion | SS2007-08-26 | |
26. | Stephanie Dryden and other UUUS Members | Religious Educataion | SS2007-08-26 | |
27. | Mark Spivey | The Greatest Love of All: Thyslef | SS2007-02-11 | |
28. | Rev. Mark Spivey | Dying to Tell You | SS2007-04-01 | |
29. | Rev. Mark Spivey | Summertime Blues: What do you do when you don't know what to do? | SS2007-08-12 | |
30. | Rev. Mark Spivey | Child Dedication Ceremony | SS2007-12-02 | |