Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Ronnie Drew Raglan Road  The Humour Is On Me Now   
 2. Ronnie Drew Limerick Rake  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 3. Ronnie Drew The Dunes  The Humour Is On Me Now   
 4. Ronnie Drew Two Island Swans  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 5. Ronnie Drew The Humour Is On Me Now  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 6. Ronnie Drew We Had It All  The Humour Is On Me Now   
 7. Ronnie Drew Clearing A Space  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 8. Ronnie Drew Red Roses For Me  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 9. Ronnie Drew Since Maggie Went Away  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 10. Ronnie Drew Always Remember  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 11. Ronnie Drew The Humour Is On Me Now  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 12. Ronnie Drew The Black Velvet Band  The Humour Is On Me Now  
 13. Ronnie Drew The Dingle Puck Goat  The Humour Is On Me Now   
 14. Francois Perrusse -  Humour   
 15. Ronnie Drew If Ever You Go To Dublin Town  The Humour Is On Me Now   
 16. Roy Eldridge & His Orchestra Une Petite Laitue  Jazz & Humour   
 17. George Thomas Lanigan 7 - Fables by George Thomas Lanigan  Humour of the North  
 18. James DeMille 8 - 'The Senator's Laundry' by James DeMille  Humour of the North  
 19. James McCarroll 5 - 'The Linnet' by James McCarroll  Humour of the North  
 20. James DeMille 8 - 'The Senator's Laundry' by James DeMille  Humour of the North  
 21. Hugh Romney HughRomneyLP snip  Third Stream Humour  
Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
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