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 Bloc Party Blue Light, Bristol Academy  
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 Bloc Party Uniform, Bristol Academy  
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 Bloc Party The Prayer, Bristol Academy  
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 Bloc Party Waiting For The 7.18, Bristol Academy   
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 Bloc Party Banquet, Bristol Academy   
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 Bloc Party Helicopter, Bristol Academy  
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 Bloc Party The Pioneers, Bristol Academy  
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 Calvin The horse and the mule  
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 Bethany Life doesn't Frighten Me  
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 Bethany Life doesn't Frighten Me  
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 Counting Crows Accidentally in Love    
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 Counting Crows Accidentally in Love    
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 Bloc Party Blue Light, Bristol Academy  
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 Bloc Party She's Hearing Voices, Bristol Academy   
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 Bloc Party Like Eating Glass, Bristol Academy   
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 Bloc Party Banquet, Bristol Academy   
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 Bloc Party Song For Clay (Disappear Here), Bristol Academy   
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 Charles Taylor Living in a Secular Age: Charles Taylor and the Philosophy of Religion  
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 Bloc Party Sunday, Bristol Academy   
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 Groove Academy 13 Walking On Sunshine  
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 C�line Dion Star Ac 5 P6 - Je ne vous oublie pas  
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 Academy Awards Orchestra, Bill Conti Oscarcast '05 Terminator Theme  
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 Bloc Party Hunting For Witches, Bristol Academy    
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 Bloc Party Two More Years, Bristol Academy   
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 End Credits Closing   
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 Amber The mouse and the cake  
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 Tony Jones, Diana Butler Bass, Scot McKnight, Keith Matthews Emergent Church Forum  
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 Hannah and Omega I ask my mother  
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 Radio Nostalgia Network My Man Godfrey 19-02-46)  
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 Radio Nostalgia Network My Man Godfrey 19-02-46)  
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