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  MP3: Charles and Mary Beard-06 - Military Affairs
Interpret: Charles and Mary Beard
Skladba: 06 - Military Affairs
Album: History of the United States, Volume II
Rok: 2007
Žánr: Speech

Délka skladby: 00:22:17
Velikost souboru: 20.89 Mb
Počet stažení: 0
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Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
MP3 od stejného Interpreta
  1. Charles and Mary Beard - 11 - The Effects of Warfare on the Colonies
  2. Charles and Mary Beard - 01
  3. Charles and Mary Beard - 03 - VIIC. Formation of the Constitution: Struggle over Ratification
  4. Charles and Mary Beard - 08 - The Colonial Press
  5. Charles and Mary Beard - 11 - The Effects of Warfare on the Colonies
  6. Charles and Mary Beard - 04 - VIIIA. Clash of Political Parties: New Government/ Rise of Political Parties
  7. Charles and Mary Beard - 05 -VIIIB. Clash of Political Parties: Foreign Influences and Domestic Politics
  8. Charles and Mary Beard - 00 - Preface
  9. Charles and Mary Beard - 01 - VIIA Formation of the Constitution: Promise and the Difficulties/Constitutional Convention
  10. Charles and Mary Beard - 03 - Renewed Resistance in America/Retaliation by the British/From Reform to Revolution
  11. Charles and Mary Beard - 06 - Military Affairs
  12. Charles and Mary Beard - 03 - VIIC. Formation of the Constitution: Struggle over Ratification
  13. Charles and Mary Beard - 07 - The Finances and Diplomacy of the Revolution
  14. Charles and Mary Beard - 05 -VIIIB. Clash of Political Parties: Foreign Influences and Domestic Politics
  15. Charles and Mary Beard - 13 - Summary of Colonial Period
  16. Charles and Mary Beard - 01 - The New Course in British Imperial Policy: George III
  17. Charles and Mary Beard - 04 - Colonial Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce/The Land and the Westward Movement
  18. Charles and Mary Beard - 08 - Peace at Last/Summary of the Revolutionary Period
  19. Charles and Mary Beard - 12 - Colonial Relations with the British Government
  20. Charles and Mary Beard - 02 - VIIB. Formation of the Constitution: Framing of the Constitution
   1 2 3    »
Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
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