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  MP3: Drug Policy Alliance-Judge Stops Anti-treatment Changes to Prop 36
Interpret: Drug Policy Alliance
Skladba: Judge Stops Anti-treatment Changes to Prop 36
Rok: 2006
Žánr: Speech

Délka skladby: 00:03:26
Velikost souboru: 3.22 Mb
Počet stažení: 0
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Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
MP3 od stejného Interpreta
  1. Drug Policy Alliance - D.A. Advocates Reform at Vancouver Conference
  2. Drug Policy Alliance - Student Strip Searches, Syringe Availability, Prop 36
  3. Drug Policy Alliance - Conservative Politcal Action Conference 2006
  4. Drug Policy Alliance - Medical Marijuana Questions Return to Federal Court
  5. Drug Policy Alliance - Opening Plenary, Alliance Conference 2005, Long Beach, CA
  6. Drug Policy Alliance - Alliance Web Chat with Dr. Andrew Weil
  7. Drug Policy Alliance - Alliance Web Chat with Author Eric Schlosser
  8. Drug Policy Alliance - Alliance Web Chat: Election 2004
  9. Drug Policy Alliance - Politics Trumps Science in FDA's Medical Marijuana Statement
  10. Drug Policy Alliance - Interview: Steph Sherer, executive director of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), a medical marijuana advocacy organization, talks about her involvement in the fight for safe and legal access to medical
  11. Drug Policy Alliance - PUMPED: A Truth-Enhancing Seminar on Steroid Use and the Law
  12. Drug Policy Alliance - Alliance Web Chat with Dr. Sasha and Ann Shulgin
  13. Drug Policy Alliance - Alliance Web Chat: Opportunities for Reform in 2005
  14. Drug Policy Alliance - Ethan Nadelmann GOAt Debate Chicago
  15. Drug Policy Alliance - Interview: Leah Rorvig and Scarlett Swerdlow
  16. Drug Policy Alliance - DPA's Executive Director, Ethan Nadelmann, and Bill Piper, DPA's Director of the Office of National Affairs, discuss the opportunities for drug policy reform in the 110th Congress.
  17. Drug Policy Alliance - Interview: Ethan Nadelmann and Jodie Evans
  18. Drug Policy Alliance - Interview: Luciano Colonna and Mayor Rocky Anderson
  19. Drug Policy Alliance - Interview: Reena Szczepanski and Senator Cisco McSorley
  20. Drug Policy Alliance - Report Identifies Sentencing Reform Solutions for Wisconsin
  «    1 2 3 4    »
Gamesníci.cz - Superhry
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