MP3: Rob Nokes-Hockey,Drill,Pass,Triangle,Close,Distant
MP3 od stejného Interpreta - Rob Nokes - Prius,By,Fast,Whip,Breathy - followed by a stop with squeal in the extreme distance.
- Rob Nokes - Stearman Biplane,1941,Onboard,Idle,2 - Shure Beta 54 at fuel rods .
- Rob Nokes - Potbelly Pig,3 Months Old,Female,Grunts,Soft,Sparse to Stacatto
- Rob Nokes - Potbelly Pig,Female,6 Months Old,Baby,Grunt,Purr,Content,Squeals,Screams,Excited,Reduced BG Distant Noises
- Rob Nokes - Hockey,Skate,Away,Slow,Vibrate
- Rob Nokes - Hockey,Practice,Distant,Dressing Room POV - some close dressing room activity
- Rob Nokes - Potbelly Pig,3 Months Old,Female,Grunts,Squeals,Tiny,Stacatto
- Rob Nokes - Potbelly Pig,Female,6 Months Old,Baby,Grunt,Purr,Content,Squeals,Screams,Excited,BG Distant Noises
- Rob Nokes - Crutches,Ice,Hop,Uneven
- Rob Nokes - Chant,Girls,Lets Go Lakers
- Rob Nokes - Girls,Scream,Go Baby,Yeah
- Rob Nokes - Chant,Go Lakers Go Lake,Girls
- Rob Nokes - Hockey,Stick,Exterior,Drop,Vibrate
- Rob Nokes - Kingfisher,Bird,Call,Singles,Distinct
- Rob Nokes - Practice,Idle,Quiet,Murmurs
- Rob Nokes - Practice,Idle,Voices,Murmurs
- Rob Nokes - Stearman Biplane,1941,Onboard,Idle,1 - Shure Beta 54 at fuel rods .
- Rob Nokes - Toaster Oven,Door,Open,Close
- Rob Nokes - Room Tone,Museum,Air conditioning
- Rob Nokes - Birds Myna Squaks Medium and Close Morning Rain Forest Water Drips on Leaves Constant Cicadas BG Rooster Distant Ocean Waves Wood Pigeon Atiu
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